Call Me Sri
I’ve always been a dabbler, drawn to more interests than I can possibly find time for. For a long time, I saw this as a personal failing—having no singular focus, no consistent passion to dedicate my life to, constantly jumping from one thing to the next. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to recognize the pattern, seeing strengths where I once saw shortcomings. Yes, I am a dabbler, but I am also someone who is always deeply engaged in something. I have a rich internal life that is largely independent of external circumstances, and I am never bored.
I wear many hats. I am a software engineer by profession and a maker by vocation. I love building things and creating with my hands. At work, I have the privilege of collaborating with fascinating people to help build one of the largest backbone networks in the world. Outside of work, I find immense joy in crafting—whether that’s sewing, painting, drawing, crocheting, cooking, or growing and preserving food.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, six-year-old daughter, and in-laws. Spending quality time with family, doing joyful and enriching activities together, is very important to me. Like me, my family has a wide range of interests, from astrophotography to poetry and everything in between.
In a world that often feels increasingly bleak, many of us live driven by fear and anxiety. Much of our time is spent fulfilling others’ expectations—consciously and unconsciously—leaving little room to pursue what our hearts truly desire. We’re so distracted by the pursuit of “success” that we rarely stop to reflect on our true purpose, let alone connect deeply with it. As a result, many of us are left feeling disconnected and seek meaning in external things, filling our lives with busy-ness, whether through digital distractions, experiences, shopping or travel, rather than looking inward.
The Joyfully Sri blog is my way of sharing an alternative lifestyle—one that looks inward for purpose and fulfillment, challenges us to grow, and offers meaning and mission. It’s based on my own lived experiences, and I hope it inspires others to live more intentionally.
I’m so glad you’re here.
I wear many hats. I am a software engineer by profession and a maker by vocation. I love building things and creating with my hands. At work, I have the privilege of collaborating with fascinating people to help build one of the largest backbone networks in the world. Outside of work, I find immense joy in crafting—whether that’s sewing, painting, drawing, crocheting, cooking, or growing and preserving food.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, six-year-old daughter, and in-laws. Spending quality time with family, doing joyful and enriching activities together, is very important to me. Like me, my family has a wide range of interests, from astrophotography to poetry and everything in between.
In a world that often feels increasingly bleak, many of us live driven by fear and anxiety. Much of our time is spent fulfilling others’ expectations—consciously and unconsciously—leaving little room to pursue what our hearts truly desire. We’re so distracted by the pursuit of “success” that we rarely stop to reflect on our true purpose, let alone connect deeply with it. As a result, many of us are left feeling disconnected and seek meaning in external things, filling our lives with busy-ness, whether through digital distractions, experiences, shopping or travel, rather than looking inward.
The Joyfully Sri blog is my way of sharing an alternative lifestyle—one that looks inward for purpose and fulfillment, challenges us to grow, and offers meaning and mission. It’s based on my own lived experiences, and I hope it inspires others to live more intentionally.
I’m so glad you’re here.